Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being our best!

Today I have been looking at some blogs, both of people who seem perfect and happy and also of people who are going through tremendous trials. Its got me thinking, I know maybe a bad idea. Why is it so hard to be our best, seriously. When it comes to spiritual, physical and emotional choices. Why is it so hard sometimes. To me alot of my goals and alot of the things I need to do to make my life better. They are so basic, when I write them on paper its like, Oh I can so do that. But in the day to day, its HARD. Daily I have every intention to get up early, enjoy some quietness read my scriptures, pray and start my day off right. But then the alarm goes of my bed is so comfortable and I will get up in a few minutes. Next thing I know a small little girl yells, MOM, MOM,MOM and I am off to a bad start. Not that going in a cuddling my baby girl is bad, its actually fabulous. But the quiet is gone and the kids are up and the day is in full swing. Physically and for my health, there are lots of choices I make. Should I have a chocolate donut or two with my morning diet coke. Should I go for a run or workout. Or is there two much to get done. Its not just about my weight. Its about being healthy and I will tell you what I am not a naturally healthy person. It requires hard work for me. If I made my daily choices by what I want to eat and what I want to do. I just might weigh 300 pounds. I love fitness I really do, I love working out. I just get tired some days and if I can just accomplish all my tasks, its usually enough to pass out by 9 pm, sometimes 9 am. But you got to admit when you get up and workout you feel good, you feel strong. ALot better than when you sleep in and feel guilty about not starting your day off like you planned. I recently quit my job. I needed too besides having some issues. I need to be with my family, my kids need me right now. Nick is working 50+ hours. He is exhausted by the end of his day. Its so nice to be home, taking care of everyone. But still I never sit, when I do I cant, theres always so much to be done. Dont get me wrong I love every minute of it. I love my family, I love my life, I love serving those around me, I love being me! I just wish I was better at being my best and that there was 2 extra hours in my day:) Thank you for all those who inspire me to be alittle better....

Friday, February 5, 2010

One cool dentist.

Do you remember the days when you were a kid and the dentist was an old guy and he was not very nice and defiantly scary to you. Not my dentist he is one cool guy, he is young and he has all the coolest latest technology. Dr Hamilton in provo if anyone needs a dentist, he is your man. Anyone who knows Brady, knows that the odds of him sitting still for the dentists are slim. Nick thought maybe I should call ahead and get some kind of sedative, because there was no way he would do it. well he sat in the chair was a big boy. Than they put those headsets in and we showed him the movie on the ceiling. They did xrays...
He just watched the show occasionally opening is mouth just in case someone needed him to.

They poked around his mouth and I will be honest he was done and I just let him sit there and I relaxed and few extra minutes. The dentist even joked with me that I could run some errands and come back for him later.
It was truly amazing!
So The bad news is he has 5 cavities, one tooth needs what is comparable to a root canal on a baby tooth. I have the prescription for valum and we will give him some gas. I hope he can do it and it goes as well as our last visit!