Do you remember the days when you were a kid and the dentist was an old guy and he was not very nice and defiantly scary to you. Not my dentist he is one cool guy, he is young and he has all the coolest latest technology. Dr Hamilton in provo if anyone needs a dentist, he is your man.
Anyone who knows Brady, knows that the odds of him sitting still for the dentists are slim. Nick thought maybe I should call ahead and get some kind of sedative, because there was no way he would do it. well he sat in the chair was a big boy. Than they put those headsets in and we showed him the movie on the ceiling. They did xrays...
He just watched the show occasionally opening is mouth just in case someone needed him to.
They poked around his mouth and I will be honest he was done and I just let him sit there and I relaxed and few extra minutes. The dentist even joked with me that I could run some errands and come back for him later.
It was truly amazing!
So The bad news is he has 5 cavities, one tooth needs what is comparable to a root canal on a baby tooth. I have the prescription for valum and we will give him some gas. I hope he can do it and it goes as well as our last visit!
Isn't technology great? So sorry to hear about the cavities and root canal. We had to do a root canal with Alison after a bad fall, and we decided to have the dentist do it under anesthesia at Provo Surgical Center. Good luck!!
oooh... yea for Brady being great. boo for cavities. Good Luck.
We had a dentist in CA with that same type of set up! It is totally the way to go. Who couldn't love the dentist with chair like that!!
A lot of dentists are getting cooler, so to speak. It's much easier for the patient and the dentist when there's no tension between them, no? It's really great that kids are not terrified of going there! Haha, kudos to the guys taking care of our teeth!
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