Thursday, January 22, 2009


Have you ever noticed toddlers are pretty similiar to the family dog. Anytime some one is eating, all the sudden they have a little one begging or a best friend. Either way its dang cute. I caught him sharing with her. I was trying to be sneaky anout the camera so the pics aren't the best.

Dont you worry she had the same cereal in her bowl, it just wasnt as appetizing as Brady's and he still got plenty!


Kristin said...

Funny--I do the same thing. Sort of. Jon's food at a restaurant almost always looks better than mine.

Cute kiddos you got there.

Brady is a riot in Primary. It's fun watching him in there.

Lori said...

Big brothers are the best! They always look out for their little sisters. What sweeties!

The James said...

Those are the cutest pictures!!! Good job Tara. That is so adorable that Brady shares his food with Ella. What a good big brother!

Michelle said...

We need what other people have. Food or otherwise. But it is SUPER nice that he shares instead of saying "MINE".

Megan said...

Cute! What a sweetheart.
So sorry I missed your call the other day. I look forward to talking to you soon!