So its been a crazy few months since I posted last. There has been lots going on. Lots of weddings, sickness, babies, tiredness. This picture is of me and my girls. Just takin from a disposable at my cute cousins wedding. I cant believe how big my girls are getting.
So besides attending a lot of weddings lately. I also pretty much catered one. This is the 200 micky mouse chocolate dip sugar cookies across my counter. Thank you Brenda you were so helpful. I made mint julip from disneyland( not without more friends great advice, I love my friends) I set up ruan the tables and cleaned up, it all went great!!
We got us a new little nephew to cuddle, He is sooo cute. Amys sweet little baby Rylen melts my heart, If his sweet little eyes are open there is no resisting.
This sweet baby boy, my baby boy, turned 6. The time has gone quickly, I cant believe he goes to school all day next year. He is a great kid, he is kind and worries about others feelings. He has a little anxiety, which surprises me because he so layed back. He worries like if its pajama day and I drop him off he will run back to the car and want to go home and change. He had a great day, got spoiled. I love him lots.
There will be more pictures to come my computer is acting up now... Have a good day!
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