Thursday, July 3, 2008

Introducing Bubbleman

Look at Brady man having a blast in the bathtub. He said" watch out I am bubble man, I will shoot you with my bubbles. pshoo pshoo." I wasn't too scared.
So I have been talking to the kids about responsibility lately. They have a tendency to rush to get things done, instead of paying attention to details. Today I asked Charlee to start a bath for the littles, I walked into the bathroom and this is what I found. Where's Raegan you might ask, We are still looking. Just kidding. The water is not to deep its mainly bubbles. So Bubble man bathed alone and the little girls bathed in the other bathtub. Run by guess who yes ME!


mcintyreandco said...

Those are some SERIOUS bubbles! How fun! What a funny kid...bubbleman...I love it! That is cute! You're such a great Mom. Thanks for sharing!

emlizalmo said...

Those 2 babies of your are scrumptious! I love them and their humongous eyes! :)