So I have seen a lot of these picture tags so I got curious to what mine was. Here it is . Little Brady. I am not sure what he is doing, he is a about the age Ella is now. So sweet before he learned how to slam doors and tell me he hates me. Toddlers are tough. If anyone has any advice on how to get my 3 year old to quit being mean, please, please let me know.
What a cute picture. He looks so sweet and innocent. Sorry, no advice on toddlers. Save the good tips for me...I'll need them in a couple of years.
I should have advice for you, but I don't. My nine year old was being mean today. What to do, what to do . . .
Cute picture of the little guy though. He made me smile in sacrament today.
Sweet picture!
If anyone has that advice for you, can you forward it to me! =)
Looks like Brady may be engrossed in a video or TV in this picture. Advice??? Too quickly we forget what it's like to have a toddler. Maybe he feels like he doesn't get enough attention and this is his way of making sure he gets it. Some regular one-on-one time with Mom and Dad could help. Or you could just ignore it. Before you know it, he'll be 4 - what a wonderful age!
Beat him. Heat him like a red headed step child and he'll learn to you.
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